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Effect of Respiration in HRV Analysis using Chaos Theory

Hoang ChuDuc , Thuan NguyenDuc , and Trung PhamDinh
Department of Electronics Technology and Biomedical Engineering, School of Electronics and Telecommunication, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Hanoi,Vietnam
Abstract—This erudite work will scrutinize and then quantify the impacts of respiration in heart-rate variability. Doing so, the critique will be on the basis of fractional mathematics along with chaos theory in two-hundred-and- fifty sick individuals who had heart-failure for the duration of twelve months. In fact, this scholarly work applied a number of non-linear methodologies, encompassing: Approximate-entropy (ApEn), FD (Fractal-dimension, and DFA (detrented fluctuation-analysis). In this scholarly work, fractal dimensions as well as the properties of fractal correlation will be employed in reflecting neuro-anatomic interaction that has been altered, which may prejudice the severe heart failure to start developing. The findings apparently portrayed that the quick-fix fractal scaling- component was appreciably lower in those individuals who had heart failure. Research has found a certain relationship between the breathing with cardiac arrhythmias signal. Moreover, those individuals with heart- failure had a lower approximate-entropy but their fractal- dimension was higher which impacted positively on the new- fangled therapy.

Index Terms—heart rate variability, chaos theory, respiration

Cite:Hoang ChuDuc, Thuan NguyenDuc, and Trung PhamDinh, "Effect of Respiration in HRV Analysis using Chaos Theory", Journal of Medical and Bioengineering vol. 2, no. 1, pp.49-51, 2013. doi: 10.12720/jomb.2.1.49-51 
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