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The Current Advances in the Biotechnological Application of Stem Cells

Sonal Sahni and Saras Aggarwal1
1.University of Warwick, India
Abstract—The world of medicine seems to be revolutionized with the ongoing extensive stem cell research. Stem cells are different from the normal cells present in our body. Their availability, flexibility and abundance make them different from the other type of cells. These cells can undergo many cycles of differentiation and can lead to regeneration of tissues as well as organs. These advantages of stem cells make them a good research potential. These properties are now being exploited to create stem cells based drugs and stem cell based therapy, thus leading to advances in the treatment of various diseases.

Index Terms—Stem cells, embryonic stem cells, adult stem cells, applications.

Cite: Sonal Sahni and Saras Aggarwal, "The Current Advances in the Biotechnological Application of Stem Cells", Journal of Medical and Bioengineering vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 7-10, 2012. doi: 10.12720/jomb.1.1.7-10
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