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Effect of Eryngium Planum on Microbial Properties and Shelf Life of Marinated Olive

M. Fahimdanesh
Department of food science, College of Agriculture, Shahr-e-Qods Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract—Olive scientific name (olea europaea) is approximately 20 species of small trees of the family Oleaceae. Marinated olive is one of the products olives which are produced in northern Iran Marinated olive is a specific fermented foods and traditional commercial area in the north of Iran, which supplied the country and fraught with unsaturated fatty acids and antioxidant. Lack of standardization in the production of short duration, retention marinated olive is one of the challenges this product is in production. This study examines the addition of Eryngium planum vegetable and Pomegranate paste 2.5, 5 and 10 percents on microbial properties and shelf life of olive deals with three replications. Olive is desirable fermentation lactic fermentation by lactic acid bacteria occurs to improve the fermentation conditions must hold: aeration (oxygen supply sufficient quantities) and the acidity of the product are suitable. The results indicated that the addition of Eryngium planum vegetable and by the time two months of production and maintenance, lactic acid bacteria increases and improves the process of fermentation of marinated olive production, also reduce the acidity of the product and prevent the growth of Gram-negative bacteria will be provided.

Index Terms—acidity, microbial properties, lactic acid bacteria, marinated olive, lactic fermentation.

Cite: M. Fahimdanesh, "Effect of Eryngium Planum on Microbial Properties and Shelf Life of Marinated Olive," Journal of Medical and Bioengineering, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 28-32, February 2016. Doi: 10.12720/jomb.5.1.28-32
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