Muscle Synergy of Collegiate Rowers During 6 Min Maximal Rowing on Fixed and Slides Ergometer
Shazlin Shaharudin1,2 and Sunil Agrawal3
1.Sport Science Unit, School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
2.Biomechanics and Movement Science Program, University of Delaware, USA
3.Department of Mechanical Engineering, Columbia University, USA
2.Biomechanics and Movement Science Program, University of Delaware, USA
3.Department of Mechanical Engineering, Columbia University, USA
Abstract—The purpose of this study was to evaluate the muscle synergy of collegiate rowers during 6 min maximal rowing on different stretcher mechanisms: fixed (FE) and slides ergometer (SE). The association of muscle synergy to rowing economy and physiological variables was further quantify by statistical analysis. Method: Ten collegiate rowers were recruited at the end of their competitive season. Muscle synergy was extracted from 16 rowing specific muscles using principal component analysis with varimax rotation. 6 min maximal rowing test was performed on Concept 2 FE and SE. Rowing performance and physiological variables were analyzed. Results: Rowers showed similar rowing performance on FE and SE in terms of total distance covered. Rowers rowed faster at shorter strokes when rowing on SE compared than rowing on FE. Greater maximal heart rate, energy expenditure and rowing economy were achieved on SE rowing. Three muscle synergies were extracted in both rowing conditions. Significant association was found between Synergy #1 and rowing economy. Discussion: Muscle synergy was robust between two rowing conditions. Rowing economy was highly associated with muscle synergy. As there was no significant difference in muscle synergy pattern and rowing performance during rowing on FE and SE, both ergometers could be utilized by experienced rowers.
Index Terms—muscle synergy, sport biomechanics, rowing, principal component analysis
Cite: Shazlin Shaharudin and Sunil Agrawal, "Muscle Synergy of Collegiate Rowers During 6 Min Maximal Rowing on Fixed and Slides Ergometer," Journal of Medical and Bioengineering, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 263-269, August 2015. Doi: 10.12720/jomb.4.4.263-269
Index Terms—muscle synergy, sport biomechanics, rowing, principal component analysis
Cite: Shazlin Shaharudin and Sunil Agrawal, "Muscle Synergy of Collegiate Rowers During 6 Min Maximal Rowing on Fixed and Slides Ergometer," Journal of Medical and Bioengineering, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 263-269, August 2015. Doi: 10.12720/jomb.4.4.263-269