Industrial By-Products: Stress Factors or Nutrients?
Brigitta Tóth, Géza László Nagy, Szilvia Veres, László Nagy, and László Lévai
University of Debrecen, Department of Agricultural Botany and Crop Physiology, Debrecen, Hungary
Abstract—The reduction of fertilizer’s portion has become essential in the crop production by now. The aim of our work was to examine four industrial by-products (sewage sludge, flue-gas, extruded poppy-heads) in order to determine whether the examined by-products can be potentially used for the nutrition of plants. The dry matter accumulation, relative chlorophyll contents of the plants, as well as the absolute quantities of photosynthetic pigments, the concentrations of various elements in the shoots and roots were measured. We have come to the conclusion that all of the examined by-products can be used in the nutrition supply of plants, but it is essential to determine the concentrations of application accurately for field use.
Index Terms—crop production, environmental protection, plant nutrition, poppy-heads, sewage sludge
Cite: Brigitta Tóth, Géza László Nagy, Szilvia Veres, László Nagy, and László Lévai, "Industrial By-Products: Stress Factors or Nutrients?," Journal of Medical and Bioengineering, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 288-291, December 2014. Doi: 10.12720/jomb.3.4.288-291
Index Terms—crop production, environmental protection, plant nutrition, poppy-heads, sewage sludge
Cite: Brigitta Tóth, Géza László Nagy, Szilvia Veres, László Nagy, and László Lévai, "Industrial By-Products: Stress Factors or Nutrients?," Journal of Medical and Bioengineering, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 288-291, December 2014. Doi: 10.12720/jomb.3.4.288-291