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Analysis of China's Water Shortage Model and Relevant Strategies in the Next 20 Years

Zhaoxi Liu, Bo Wang, Kai Xu, Hongjun Li, and Quandong Feng
Beijing Forestry University, Beijing, China
Abstract—This paper figured out an action plan of China national water strategies to resolve the shortage of the available water resources in China in 2025. We divided our strategy mainly into three steps: prediction, solutions and impacts. We use the grey model GM (1, 1) to predict the water condition of China in 2025 at both a national level and a provincial level. Then, we provide two solutions in order to perfect the water condition in different areas separately. (1) Taking time value of capital into consideration, we use Dijkstra algorithm to optimize weighted topological structure of pipeline system. (2) We have established a cost model of desalination plant structure. Finally, we discuss the implications of our strategy from economic and physical aspects.
Index Terms—Water strategy, grey model, dijkstra algorithm, pipeline system, desalination, cost model

Cite: Zhaoxi Liu, Bo Wang, Kai Xu, Hongjun Li, and Quandong Feng, "Analysis of China's Water Shortage Model and Relevant Strategies in the Next 20 Years," Journal of Medical and Bioengineering, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 267-271, December 2014. Doi: 10.12720/jomb.3.4.267-271
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