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A Novel Approach to Regulate Turfgrass Growth by Using Yucaizol, a Potent Inhibitor of Brassinosteroid Biosynthesis

Keimei Oh, Tadashi Matsumoto, Kazuhiro Yamada, and Yuko Yoshizawa
Akita Prefectural University, Department of Biotechnology, Akita-shi, Japan
Abstract—Brassinosteroids are important phytohormones that affect many aspects of plant growth and development. We have shown that brassinosteroid biosynthesis inhibitor exhibits potent inhibitory activity on retardation stem elongation of Arabidopsis seedlings. To develop new plant growth regulators for turf management, we use Yucaizol, a potent brassinosteroid (BR) biosynthesis inhibitor developed in our laboratory, for biological evaluations. Effect of Yucaizol on retardation of pencross growth indicates that it exhibits potent activity. The Yucaizol significantly reduce the penncross growth at 100 g a.i./ha in our assay system. Although plant growth regulators that targeting on gibberellic acid (GA) biosynthesis have been widely used for golf course management, our results demonstrate the potential utility of BR biosynthesis inhibitors as new plant growth regulators.

Index Terms—Brassinosteroid biosynthesis inhibtors, triazole derivatives, plant growth regulators, turf management

Cite: Keimei Oh, Tadashi Matsumoto, Kazuhiro Yamada, and Yuko Yoshizawa, "A Novel Approach to Regulate Turfgrass Growth by Using Yucaizol, a Potent Inhibitor of Brassinosteroid Biosynthesis," Journal of Medical and Bioengineering, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 183-186, September 2014. Doi: 10.12720/jomb.3.3.183-186
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