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Sequence-Based Prediction of Molecular Recognition Features in Disordered Proteins

Chun Fang1, Hayato Yamana1, and Tamotsu Noguchi2
1. Department of Computer Science and Engineering of Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan
2. Pharmaceutical Education Research Center, Meiji Pharmaceutical University, Tokyo, Japan
Abstract—Molecular recognition features (MoRFs) act asmolecular switches in molecular-interaction network of thecell, and assumed to have relationship with the causes ofmany diseases. The importance of identifying MoRFs indisordered proteins is becoming increasingly apparent. Sofar, only a limited number of experimentally validatedMoRFs is known, and there are few specialized tools foridentifying MoRFs. Existing methods used many predictedresults, such as predicted disorder probabilities, solventaccessibility and B-factors as features for prediction, or usedMoRFs database directly for alignment to assist theprediction; however, their design are complex, and theperformance is also affected largely by other predictors. Inthis study, we proposed a novel method, named asMFPSSMPred (Masked and Filtered PSSM basedPrediction), which adopts a masking method to extract highlocal conservative features, and a filtering method to filterout low local conservative scores in position-specific scoringmatrix (PSSMs) for prediction. All features are extractedfrom the sequences only. We compared our method with atraditional PSSM-based method and 9 other existedmethods on a same test dataset. The experimental resultsshowed that, our method achieved the best performancewith AUC of 0.758. This study demonstrated that: 1) theflanking regions of MoRFs affected the plasticity of MoRFs;2) MoRFs were flanked by less conserved residues; and 3)the revised PSSM was predictive features for identifyingMoRFs.  

Index Terms—MoRFs prediction, disordered proteins,PSSM

Cite: Chun Fang, Hayato Yamana, and Tamotsu Noguchi, "Sequence-Based Prediction of Molecular Recognition Features in Disordered Proteins", Journal of Medical and Bioengineering, vol. 2, no. 2, pp.110-114, 2013. doi: 10.12720/jomb.2.2.110-114
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