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How and Why Cancer should be Better Handled in the 1Billion + India

Shaheen Najmudheen Shah and Safa Shaheen
ICT, Qatar
Abstract—The Cancer phenomenon has plagued humanity for decades. While certain breakthroughs have been had in the recent past, the incidents have been on the rise. A better understanding of the human genome facilitated by the Human Genome Project (HGP) has helped in the cause, no doubt. The regional pattern followed by certain cancers is an indication to focus in-house regional research. These geographical regions have their own traditional forms of cure - Ayurveda in India being a good example. These “alternative” forms of treatment have had their fair share of success; however, there stands a need to fully standardize research and their methods. Collaboration with modern medicine – both in the respective regions and at the global cancer research levels – is set to open newer faster ways to handle cancer - to detect, to treat and as means of palliative care. More integration with Information technology (IT) will accelerate the overall process. Places like India can use their existing IT Infrastructure in this field. Funding can come from the fast growing Pharma Industry. An individual should be able to choose his/her preferred/suited method of treatment after expert consultation. Institutions like MIT can lead the way – like how it had led the HGP; they rightly say at the MIT- the only cure for cancer is continual research. The 2012 International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Applications can share views and set a platform for such diverse collaboration.

Index Terms—Cancer, information technology, alternative medicine, collaboration, human genome project.

Cite: Shaheen Najmudheen Shah and Safa Shaheen, "How and Why Cancer should be Better Handled in the 1Billion + India", Journal of Medical and Bioengineering vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 17-19, 2012. doi: 10.12720/jomb.1.1.17-19
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